Saturday, December 10, 2011

How do I transfer television programs from my dishnetwork dvr to either my computer or a hard drive?

I also have a dvr/dvd player, is there some way that I can hook it up by either usb port, or hdmi cables?|||Some of the Dish Network DVRs support moving of TV programs to an external USB 2.0 hard drive. I have a ViP 622 which has this feature, though Dish Network charged me $39.95 to have it enabled (doesn't cost any extra to use). They support up to 750GB hard drives.

This doesn't let you read the drive on a PC and copy these files somewhere else (to DVD, etc), however.

I know this is supported on the new ViP722 as well (similar unit, larger internal drive), but I don't know about the other DIsh Network PVRs. You can't record directly to the external drive, but you can move video to it and play directly from the drive, even in high definition. You can use multiple external drives on the same PVR, and supposedly, the drives you record to can be shared by a small number of other PVRs (eg, they want to let you "sneakernet" this around your house, but not share with your friends, neighbors, extended family, etc).|||Hi Joel G,

I do it with DVD Xpress.

With DVD Xpress you can transfer your video to your hard drive and then edit it if you desire. DVD Xpress comes with basic video editing software. I got mine at Sam's for $59.95. They are cheaper now. You can look at one %26amp; read about it here -鈥?/a>

I saw a newer model at WalMart recently. It was the DVD Xpress2. I can't remember what it cost.

You connect the composite output of your DVR into the DVD Xpress and connect the DVD Xpress to your computer via a USB cable.


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