Monday, December 19, 2011

How clear of trees does dishnetwork satellite have to be in order to receive perfect hd picture?

i'm writing from missouri and have to go with satellite to receive hd programming....i'm getting hd tv in the fall and already know satellite has to be pointed southwest....i have a decent clearing of trees towards that direction.....any knowledgable input is appreciated...thanks|||Most of dishnetwork's HD comes from the 110 satellite. VERY roughly from MO, it is 36 degrees above the horizon. for a VERY rough estimate, look to the south (around 220 degrees if you have a compass) and hold out your fist level to the horizon. the top of your fist is about 10 degrees. if the trees clear about 30 degrees above the horizon, youre good.

HD is sent digitally. Therefore, you either get the signal or dont. there is no variation in between. if you get the signal, then it will be 'perfect'.|||The idiot that installed mine pointed it right over the top of a palm tree instead of going to a little more trouble and putting it on the roof, or the other side of the porch. As the tree grew, our reception went downhill. Even though the trunk of the tree does not interfere, just the palm branches waving in the wind do. To everyone out there - you need to stay on top of these people when they are installing your dish. They don't care how your place looks, or if a tree is growing where it'll be in the way next year, etc.

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