The ONLY DVR that comes standard with USB ports activated are Tivo Standalone units. Secondly the DirecTV Tivo units can be software upgraded with Thrid party software to Enable the USB ports to allow for the networking of the DVR to you homes internet connection. This allows specialized programs to connect from your PC into the hidden folders of the DVR where the shows/movies are, and allow you to transfer the shows/movies to your PC.
You can learn more about this kind of question at
I have a total of 6 DirecTV Tivo units (Do NOT confuse a DirecTV Tivo unit with a DirecTV DVR) that have been legally modified to Enable the USB ports, and allow me to network all 6 DirecTV Tivo's.
The reason companies like Dish, direcTV, and cable companies do NOT avtivate the USB ports is that they do not want to be liable for any copyright infringement issues with how the shows/movies are used once they are downloaded.
There are ways to record the shows/movies from your DVR but it is a slow process that will ONLY record in real time. So a 2 hour movie will take 2 hours to transfer. You either need a DVD Recorder connected to one of the outputs of the DVR, or use a TV Tuner Capture Card that is in your PC to connect to. Then you would hit play on the DVR and Record on the PC's TV Tuner software, this will record it to your PCs hard drive and allow you to then edit and burn to DVD.
I hope this helps you understand the situtation.|||For Dish Network DVR receivers you can traffer media from DVR to External Hardrive by calling Dish network. You will need to pay a $39.99 one time fee to activate the software. and then you will be able to transfer media.
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