Saturday, December 10, 2011

Clip-on antenna for dishnetwork to watch local channels?

I just subscribed DishNetwork with local channel pacakge, btu there are some local channels that are not in the pacakge. Checking on the Web and found you can add a clip-on antenna to the disc..Anyone has any experiece for that ? Which one is better ?|||Some local channels are included in your package and those stations were assigned a channel number such that you can receive it direct from satellite and your dish receiver. But there are local channels specially those digital stations may not be available in your setup. You can receive and tune to those stations using antenna and changing your tv settings to antenna mode. So you don't really need a clip-on antenna. Your rabbit and rooftop antenna may have better reception than the clip-on. If you hook-up your Dish tv in the AV jacks then the RF antenna IN should be available for your rabbit, clip-on or rooftop extension antenna. Now set your TV to antenna mode, and you can scan for local channels... more than what dish feed to you. I have a Directv, there are only 8 local ch included in my package. i have to switch to antenna reception mode, and with my digital tuner, I can tune to 19 local digital stations.|||I have disnetwork sometimes our local channels don't come in. most of the time all I have to do is give them a call. You can also reset the box by holding in the power botton.

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