Saturday, December 10, 2011

If i get hired at dishnetwork how much can i expect to make?

Im 16 and the other day i was looking for jobs, and i went into a local sports store, behind us there was a man from dishnetwork, he told us he could get a job where we only have to work 2 in half hours at night, what would i be doing tehre and how much would i make?|||fity have no 16 I would guess minimum wage...good luck|||Hello! well first of all, is it Dish Network its self? ,or is it a company that sub contracts work from Dish Network? My Fiance' works for a company called ACN that subs work from Dish Network. He gets paid $10.00 an hr regular time and $ 15.00 an hr for over time. Because of you being so young and it being a part time job position it most likely won't be as much. You should always ask the person when you are talking to them concerning the rate of pay. Some companies go by the experience a person may already have that would apply to the position he or she is appying for. Good Luck!|||check this link its good


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