Saturday, December 10, 2011

How many HDTV programs will I get in DirectTV compared to DishNetwork?

I currently subscribe under DishNetwork and planned to upgrade my TVset to have HDchannels.Im comparing DishNetwork to DirectTV if I could have more HDchannels. Im not happy with DishNetwork bcoz even small winds or rains signals were lost on most channels. But if price is concern DishNetwork is little cheaper.|||i have worked for DIRECTV and Dishnetwork. when it comes to the basic HD pack DIRECTV can't compare to Dishnetwork HD package. as of now DIRECTV basic HD pack offers no more than 12 HD channels not including locals the HD channels are from 70-78 there u have it only 8. but Dishnetwork offers over 30 not including the locals. Dish has a HD Kung FU, Monster, Rave, Discover channel etc.. so many i can't name. however, DIRECTV has been promising to come out with its 155 HD channels in Sept. 07 with their KAKU dish but last year they said it would but this year in Jan of 07. As for the winds causing you to lose signal it not because its a dishnetwork dish. its the installation. or the way its installed causing signal lose. the dish may be lose. but a dish is a dish you can view DIRECTV programming with a Dishnetwork legacy lnb if you had a DIRECTV rec.. and verse versa..|||as of this moment, numbers wise, dish has more hd channels than directv. but directv will be coming up with a lot of hd channels toward the 2nd half or 4th quarter of this year. these channels will be provided on a different format (im not sure if they're mpeg-4 format like the current hd locals directv is offering). the addition of new hd channels is not just an empty promise because directv is now ramping up to check with their current customers if they have b-band converter to make sure their hd equipment can get the upcoming new hd signals.

in regards to the first posting, its inaccurate to say that directv charges $$$ for every phone call or use of automated phone system. customers are only charged for PPV purchases ($1.50 thru IVR, $5 thru a service rep) and payment over the phone ($5 phone rep)

i do agree that the best way to compare is to sit and watch directv on a friend's house to make a good comparison. nevertheless, bottomline is dtv will be providing a good number of hd channels this year.|||I have direct TV and have had them for over 10 years. I like the programs that are available on DTV. However the company has gone through numerous changes and mergers. When you try to contact them it is almost impossible to get a real person, You push #S and then state verbal options, and finally you get the option of paying $1 for automated support and if you want to talk to a live person there IS A FIVE DOLLAR CHARGE for customer service. There basic program is $45, or more a month and more $$$ for Local stations, and THE MOVIE channels are Lots of OLD repeats, Starz offers 11 or 12 channels however they are also repeated through the 12 channel over the next 3 to 6 months, Find a friend who has DTV and go and sit at their house and look at channel 520 Starz and you can see the movies that are being offered. DTV will install all kinds of equipment for a new user but offer very little to their current customers. Each additional receiver is on loan, at $5.00 per month. and you have to sign up with a one or two year agreement. I would suggest you buy the equipment and own it if you can install it yourself. Best Buy used to sell all you needed.|||Right now there are only about 10 HD channels with DTV aside from the HD locals for whatever area you are in. In September the number will go up to 50 national HD channels, and by the end of the year it will be over 100 HD channels. There are 2 new satellites being launched to accommodate. By the way, the person who posted up above about the movies that are on Starz and the fees to talk to a person on the phone is either grossly confused or is not a very honest person, to put it nicely.

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